Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Secret Holders

Dogs listen to our every thought and they know all our secrets, yet they never tell a sole. This is a treasured feature for us humans. It is natural for us to have to spill our secrets out to someone, especially someone safe who will not lecture and judge and will not pass them on to others. We need this, and it is exactly what we get in canine companionship.

Dogs are loyal beyond description – loyal to us, their pack, their bond. In this loyalty, they watch and listen, and then they hold our secrets with a protective stance, and without condemnation. But I wonder, if they had the means to communicate with words with all humans, would they tell our secrets? Perhaps they would, as a sort of intervention, if they thought it would save our lives. Then again, I think not.

I think it is an innate feature of their character to not pass on the information of another. I think that dogs are not capable, not because of a lack of human language, but because of a lack of logic that makes comparisons and draws conclusions. Dogs are truly without judgment. And they love us so much that they would not interfere with our free will, even if they could.

I don’t think dogs see the bigger picture and the value of letting us make our own mistakes; I don’t think they are consciously aware of this profound understanding of life, yet they are designed to simply live on this level.

So if dogs could think like humans, yet retain their true dog nature, they would still take in all our secrets, listening with love, never judging. They would still be by our side, tirelessly loyal, surrounding us with a powerful, unfaltering acceptance.

I am not ashamed for George to see my flaws and know my secrets. I am completely safe with him. He patiently waits as I berate myself and his wagging tail draws me out of depression and takes me into the day with a renewed hope.

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